Maintaining ACCNS-AG® certification reflects your dedication to excellence as a clinical nurse specialist caring for adult-gerontology patients within the spectrum of wellness through acute care.
Choose one of the following renewal options:
Renewal Eligibility Requirements & Fees
Practice Hours and CE Points
Practice Hours, Exam & Pharma CE
CE Points and Exam
For renewal by practice hours and CE points, you must meet all eligibility requirements for renewal and submit your application prior to your scheduled renewal date.
For renewal by practice hours, Pharma CE and exam, you must meet the eligibility requirements, apply at least 30 days prior to your scheduled renewal date, and pass the exam before your expiration date.
For renewal by CE Points and exam, you must meet the eligibility requirements, apply at least 30 days prior to your scheduled renewal date, and pass the exam before your expiration date.
Following is an overview of categories in the CE Points program. A total of 150 CE Points, with a minimum of 75 in Category I (25 as Pharmacology CE), is required. Category II activities are optional but may account for up to 75 of the required CE Points.
Category I
Education Programs
Programs granting CE or CME, academic courses and informal CE programs
Minimum 75 CE Points
Category II
Optional Activities
Includes professional publications, presentations, preceptorship and volunteer activities
Minimum 0 CE Points
Renewal Information