The Value of Volunteering

Volunteers are one of our AACN community’s greatest strengths. Each year, over 1,000 AACN volunteers give their time generously to help influence, shape and define the practice of critical care nursing and the healthcare profession. When you volunteer, you add to your professional growth by networking with a wide range of skilled peers and developing your leadership skills.

Please visit our FAQ page for specific information on the volunteer process and completing a volunteer profile. Once you have done that, use the button below to create your volunteer profile.

Types of Volunteer Opportunities

Below are descriptions of the most frequently used types of volunteer opportunities at AACN.
Advisory Teams

Provide feedback on specific issues regarding AACN initiatives


Communicate the value of AACN to colleagues and co-workers

Certification Groups

Participate in item writing, exam development or appeal review

Program Planning Committees

Determine education programming needs for AACN programs

Publishing Groups

Opportunities occasionally available for manuscript reviewers and contributing editors

Review Panels

Help select awards, grants and scholarship recipients; critique articles and develop questions for continuing education units

Task Forces

Address pertinent issues requiring an immediate response

Think Tanks

Advise on global trends and issues

Work Groups

Support AACN strategic initiatives

Frequently Ask Questions

Questions about volunteering for AACN? Read the Volunteer FAQs.