Members of the AACN community who drive change in nursing practice through research can apply for research grants to support their projects. AACN’s Impact Research Grant funds projects to address gaps in clinical research at the organization or system level and translate the findings for bedside clinicians.

AACN Impact Research Grant

Three awards up to $50,000 each

AACN-Sigma Theta Tau Critical Care Grant

One award up to $10,000

AACN-AARP Nursing Innovations Grants

Awards of up to $20,000 each

Why Apply?

Contribute to Knowledge
Contribute to the advancement and use of new nursing knowledge to improve patient care.

Develop Your Skills
Advance your career as a researcher while adding insights to a clinical question or challenge.

Drive Innovation
Ensure a pipeline for evidence-based resources that support critical care nurses at the bedside.

Share Your Findings
Partner with AACN to translate your research, and distribute it widely. 
Projects include use of technology to assess patients and manage outcomes; ways to create a healing and humane environment; and processes and systems to optimize high acuity and critical care nursing.

Funded Grant Projects

AACN has awarded more than $1 million and more than 20 Impact Research Grants to ensure a pipeline for evidence-based resources in support of a wide range of AACN priorities. We continue to offer the annual AACN-Sigma Theta Tau Critical Care Grant.

Ready to Apply

Download the AACN Grants Program Handbook for a step-by-step guide to assist you through the entire AACN Grants application process.