How to Share Your Story

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AACN and StoryCorps have partnered because you have an important story to tell – and we want to hear it!

Here’s how to share your story and participate in the AACN Nurse Stories Project:

  • 1Download the Free StoryCorps App
    On your mobile device, download the free StoryCorps app for your Android or iPhone device. Follow the prompts to create your free account.

    Use community code: AACN

    This account will be used to prepare, record, save and share your story.

  • 2Prepare Your Story
    All you need is a story, some prep time and a quiet place.

    Record solo or choose someone to have a meaningful conversation with. Choose questions from those provided in the app or write your own. Pick a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be interrupted. Then use the StoryCorps app to record your conversation.

  • 3Record Your Story
    Recording your story is easy. It’s an opportunity to ask the questions that matter and preserve your story for future generations.

    Follow the prompts in the app, to begin recording. Let your questions guide the discussion. Ask follow-up questions. You may learn some unexpected and wonderful new things!

  • 4Enter Photo, Title and Keyword
    After you finish recording, the app will prompt you to take a selfie or select a picture from your photo gallery. Next, add a title, description and keywords to your recording before uploading. The title should be descriptive to help you keep track of your conversations. Keywords are like hashtags, making it easier for you and others to find your story in our AACN community and collection. Remember to use community code: AACN.

  • 5Publish, Share and Archive Your Story
    Once you have finalized your story, publish it to AACN’s community page on the StoryCorps app for future generations to find, listen to and learn from what you shared. By publishing your story, you permit StoryCorps to add it to the largest single collection of human voices in the world at The American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress.

  • 6Listen
    Listen to other stories from our AACN community, or browse the StoryCorps collection to hear stories that others have shared.

Storytelling Tips: How to Make Your Story Meaningful

  1. Plan Your Conversation
  2. Ask Warm-Up Questions
  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions
  4. Ask Follow-Up Questions
  5. Think of It as a Conversation
  6. Tell a Story
  7. Set Up Context
  8. Encourage Vivid Details
  9. Plan Some Reflective Questions
  10. Relax, Be Yourself and Have Fun

Tips to Achieve Optimal Sound Quality

Here are some ways to thoughtfully choose and prepare a room to improve the sound quality of your recording and create your own StoryCorps studio:

  • Use a small, carpeted room with low ceilings
  • Close windows and drapes
  • Avoid using a large room, with tiled floors and high ceilings
  • Avoid noisy appliances or audible background
  • Make sure your device’s microphone is always pointed toward the person speaking – about 6-10 inches from their mouth

If you experience technical difficulties with the StoryCorps app, please visit or email